Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Quiet Room, A MUST read

1.)The Quiet room was truly an inspirational book and I'm so glad i got to read it. It first of all showed me that even when you're back is against the wall and everything you can imagine is coming at you, you yourself can overcome anything. Lori Schiller was in such a terrible place in her life that i thought she'd never be able to make it. She really brought to my life the reasons to never give up, and sometimes all it takes is to confront the problem head on. I have had problems in my life, like every one has had and honestly after reading this book you start to appreciate that most problems you can control, in Lori's case she couldn't for years.
2.) First of all, The Quiet Room is written from multiple person's accounts from Lori's experiences. I have never read a book that was written this way, and it seemed to keep my full attention throughout the whole book. It just made the story take on so many emotional levels, that it really captivated me into each person's shoes. Most books in high school I can admit that I spark noted, or simply read too fast to remember anything. But, this book fully took me in and kept me wanting to read whenever i has the chance. Even on these beautiful days I would sit inside and read this book. I can honestly say that I would read this book for pleasure any time. My mother actually started reading the book today!

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